Open Science RoadShow: An introduction to Open Science.

On December 15th at 12:00 Sander W. van der Laan will provide an introductory talk on Open Science at the Prinses Maxima Center. This talk will be the second talk in the Open Science RoadShow at the UMC Utrecht.

Open Science RoadShow

The Open Science RoadShow at the UMC Utrecht will bring “Open Science to the People”. Instead of inviting people to come to one of the events, we will visit existing meeting-structures, for instance department, floor and work meetings, work-meetings, and leadship- and management meetings. We will organise interactive workshops, talks or discussions on a variety of topics, preferably chosen by the intended audience.


Open Science RoadShow: TRIPLE & Career Profiles at the UMC Utrecht


Open Science RoadShow: Steps towards Open Science and FAIR Data